Hosting Essentials
Good things happen when we gather together—whether around a moment, a loved one, or a table. That’s why we set out to create a line of hosting essentials fit for all life’s special occasions. Our hosting collection is an ode to everything we love about a good meal: a celebration of elevated ingredients, quality craftsmanship, and simplicity in execution. These designs feel warm and inviting, like stepping into your favorite person’s home. Now go forth, and throw that party.

Jaunt Wine Carrier
The iconic Graf Lantz Jaunt zigzag stitch has always been about bringing harmony to disparate colors and textures. Sharing a good bottle of wine has a way of doing the same thing with friends around our table. Capture the perfect blend of craft and conviviality with the Jaunt wine cozy.

Asa Hemp Cocktail Napkin
We’ve always puzzled over the usefulness of everyday napkins. For our latest twist in the elevated table, we re-thought the cocktail napkin to become exactly we wanted, a little bigger, a lot more chic, and completely able to do the job. Meet the Graf Lantz breakfast, brunch, buffet, picnic, happy-hour, party Cocktail napkin.

Glas Tumblers
Strong, light, and deceptively durable, our glassware was designed to withstand extreme temperature changes, from freezer to oven. So whether it’s ice-cold lemonade, hot mint tea, that first cup of coffee, or the perfect Manhattan, one vessel can do it all.